Brick Production - About Us


The Brick and Tiles Board under the control of the Development Planning Department was set up in the year 1961 with the objective of producing bricks at affordable prices for the public at large. Later on it was renamed as Directorate of Brick Production in the year 1971 and subsequently the Directorate was brought under the control of Housing Department in the year 1973. The main purpose of this Directorate are i) to manufacture and supply of bricks at reasonable price on a large scale & ii) to utilise huge accumulation of Gangetic silt as obtained from Water Treatment Plant of KMC at Palta.

The Mechanised Brick Factory, Palta under the Directorate of Brick Production, headed by the Works Manager is situated at Palta, P.O-Barrackpore in the district of 24 Parganas (North), West Bengal on a plot of land, measuring 23.701 Acres, which is 40 K.M away from Kolkata. The factory has been set up with a view to utilize the accumulated silt in the nearby Water Treatment Plant of Kolkata Municipal Corporation. This factory has been producing modular bricks under mechanised process for last 45 years.

Akra Brick Fields, under the Directorate of Brick Production, headed by the Deputy Director, Akra Division is situated at Akra, 24 Parganas(South) beside the Hooghly river. Bricks of standard size and shape are produced under manual process by the agencies, engaged by the Government.

Offices under the Directorate of Brick Production

Sl.No Office Address Contact No.
1 Director, Brick Production Mechanised Brick Factory, Palta,P.O. Barrackpur,Dist-North -24 Parganas,Kol-700120. 2592-0390/0399
2 Deputy Director, Akra Division. Mechanised Brick Factory, Palta,P.O. Barrackpur,Dist-North -24 Parganas,Kol-700120. 2592-0398
3 Deputy Director, Central Division. Mechanised Brick Factory, Palta,P.O. Barrackpur,Dist-North -24 Parganas,Kol-700120. 2252-2205
4 Works Manager, Mechanised Brick Factory, Palta P.O- Barrackpore, Dist: - 24 Parganas(North) 2592-9256/0392
5 Assistant Director, Kalyani Unit Administrative Buildings, Kalyani Dist: - Nadia. 2582-4980
6 Assistant Director, Akra Sub-Division Akra Fatak, P.S- Rabindranagar, P.O-Battala, Kolkata- 700 017 2491-5697

Source : HOUSING DEPARTMENT Government of West Bengal, Last Updated On 11-02-2025